Paperclips – Commentary On Hands-on Assists

“We’re in the middle of a sea change,” said Jason. “Most yoga teachers now are erring on the side of not giving manual adjustments, and for good reason.” It was the second day of our two-week module (the first part of a 300-hour training), and the conversation had shifted from “How to give hands-on assists” […]

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Self Healing Through the Care of Others

You ever have one of those days? You know the ones. One of those infamous days where everything seems to be going wrong. You’re late to all of your appointments, there are big rifts in your communications with others, and no matter what you try to accomplish there seems to be something blocking you. By […]

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Yoga Psychology: A System of Self-Discovery

We expect that our mind should conjure up new ideas, solve problems, and provide deep insights. Unfortunately, our minds and our senses are often misused, overworked, and overstimulated. Our mind can only function to the degree in which we understand its internal workings and our lives are a reflection of our awareness. All day long, […]

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Engaging Uncertainty

“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.” – Erich Fromm As uncomfortable as it may feel, uncertainty is at the foundation of our lives. We want to know, always, especially when it comes to our loved ones and our future. These […]

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Confessions of an Extrovert

We had been staring at each other for three minutes. And in case you’ve never held sustained eye contact with someone for three minutes, let me assure you: it’s a lot longer than it sounds. We had started out smiling, faded to comfortable recognition, then spent a few seconds blinking and moving from left eye […]

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Pathways and Currents – Yoga Philosophy for Everyone

My first dip in Yoga philosophy as an adult was inadvertent – I went to Yoga class expecting it to be something like jazzercise and instead was introduced to a holistic form of moving meditation that integrated aspects of philosophy I had first become acquainted with as a college freshman. In addition to moving in […]

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Interdependence for Independence Day

Interdependence. Three summers ago, I got these tattoos. These arrows came to me after a horrible break up and the subsequent months of agonizing heart break and pain that followed. The invisible threads that connect us all with lovers, with friends, with family, and yes, even strangers, felt as if they were winding themselves around […]

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Creating Cohesion Between Spiritual Practice and Parenting

Article originally posted on Shortly after my first child turned three years old, I found myself feeling that there was a disconnect between my sadhana and my family life. Having two children under four is a consuming endeavor, and presents a unique set of challenges with regards to finding time to engage in daily spiritual […]

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Loosen the Listening Tension

Tension is one of the ways we feel safe and held and assured that little is going to change. While easy to identify neck and low back tension, the grip in the ears is more complex. Not listening is a key skill of maintaining the status quo (abhinvesha). Through a simple investigation of how the ears work, we […]

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Curiosity Holds the Attention Steady

It seems like the attention can only be held by what she does not yet understand.  So key to the yogi skill of dharana (steady attention) is the willingness to consider that one might yet know it all.  There can be no curiosity or wonderment if we are bored. The yogis have long suggested to […]

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