Bethany Batsell


Throughout my life, from singing to dancing to running to living – I struggled to fully access my breath and find my voice. Practicing yoga has helped me to rely on the strength in my own body, to amplify my own voice, and to honor my own experience as a plus-size, woman of color. My love and gratitude for yoga and a deeper connection to my whole self unfolded the more I practiced and was able to let go of perfection.  Soon, I knew I wanted to share my experience and guide others on their yoga journey.

My yoga teaching, like my practice, emphasizes self-acceptance, amplifies positive self-talk, and focuses on the present and our presence in each moment by connecting to the breath.

I completed my yoga teacher training program at the Yoga Conservatory at Yoga Refuge in Portland, Oregon and am registered with the Yoga Alliance as an RYT 200 hour certified teacher.