Engaging Uncertainty

“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.” – Erich Fromm As uncomfortable as it may feel, uncertainty is at the foundation of our lives. We want to know, always, especially when it comes to our loved ones and our future. These […]

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Wake Up and Flow

Start your summer off on the right track with Morning Flow, an early morning yoga practice that invigorates the body and calms the mind. It’s true! Waking up is hard to do! But so worth it when you start your day in a way that honors your life, your body, your mind, your spirit and […]

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Pathways and Currents – Yoga Philosophy for Everyone

My first dip in Yoga philosophy as an adult was inadvertent – I went to Yoga class expecting it to be something like jazzercise and instead was introduced to a holistic form of moving meditation that integrated aspects of philosophy I had first become acquainted with as a college freshman. In addition to moving in […]

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Interdependence for Independence Day

Interdependence. Three summers ago, I got these tattoos. These arrows came to me after a horrible break up and the subsequent months of agonizing heart break and pain that followed. The invisible threads that connect us all with lovers, with friends, with family, and yes, even strangers, felt as if they were winding themselves around […]

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The Art of Honoring, The Strength of Vulnerability

We have countless ways to dismiss our experience. Endless strategies to shirk from, abandon, and resist the moment – in particular, the experience we are having in the moment. Picture a mother consistently dismissing her child. Imagine the effect that this has on the child. We learn to assume that our experience isn’t valid. We […]

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Cultivating Presence

Lately I find myself one or two finger typing, I am not a fan. So when I have time, one way I meditate is through remembering how to use cursive. I believe that my sitting meditation tools help me remember; remember my inherent wakefulness, the beauty that we already are. I would like to share […]

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