stone sleeping buddha

Yoga Nidra Practice

Nidra in SE or Streaming

In the practice of Yoga Nidra, we can turn our attention to the very nature of awareness and consciousness.
We begin with 10-15 minutes of Intention or Sankalpa setting.
Student then lie down for a guided meditation and to move into a deep state of relaxation with the intention of remaining awake. Resting in awareness in a bardo between wakefulness and sleep.
Dress for comfort and warmth. A notebook can be a good tool for a developing practice.
Please practice from home if you are sick or will have trouble with 40-45min of quiet stillness in community.
Location: SE Hawthorne or Livestream
Date: Thursday March 21st
Time: 7:15-8:15pm
Cost; Regular Drop In or Membership rates apply

About Sally Garrido-Spencer


The development of a pleasurable relationship to my own Body/Mind is something I have worked on building and deepening for many decades. Sharing this cultivation of inner peace and intimacy through yoga teachings, breath and craniosacral therapy/bodywork (subtle bodywork, llc)  is my passion. The work of feeling present and at ease in ones own skin improves all our relationships and undermines all systems of oppression.

I have a playful and an athletic approach to group classes based in my time working with kids and as an ashtanga lineage student.

I relish in tantra subtle body practices, meditation, pranayama as well as yoga nidra.

off the mat I am managing the studio, and offering bodywork sessions at my home practice… or in the wilderness if I am so lucky.